how to set goals and accomplish them
Success is never-ending and failure is never finial - Dr. Robert Schuller
Set Goals That Motivate You
When you set goals for yourself, it is important that they motivate you: this means making sure that they are both meaningful and important to you, there should always be value in achieving them. You should be asking yourself two questions: why this goal important to me? And how is it going to make me feel once I have accomplished it? If you have a good solid answer to these two questions you are setting user self up for some great achievements.

How to Set SMART Goals
You have probably heard of SMART goals already. But do you always apply the rule? The simple fact is that for goals to be powerful, they should be designed to be SMART. Your goals should be:
Goals that are specific have a greater chance of being accomplished. To make a goal specific, the five “W” questions need to be considered carefully:
Who: Who is involved in this goal?
What: What do I want to accomplish?
Where: Where is this goal to be achieved?
When: When do I want to achieve this goal?
Why: Why do I want to achieve this goal?
A SMART goal must also have some guidelines for measuring progress. If there are no guidelines, you will not be able to determine your progress and if you are on track to reach your goal. To make a goal measurable, ask yourself:
How many/much?
How do I know if I have reached my goal?
What is my indicator of progress?
A SMART goal must be achievable and attainable. This will help you figure out ways you can realize that goal and work towards it. This focuses on how important a goal is to you and what you can do to make it attainable and may require developing new skills and changing attitudes. Whatever the goal is it should be stretched out to make you feel challenged, but defined well enough that you can actually achieve it. Ask yourself:
Do I have the resources and capabilities to achieve the goal? If not, what am I missing?
Have others done it successfully before?
A SMART goal must be relevant to you. This step is about ensuring that your goal matters to you and that it also aligns with other relevant goals. We all need support and assistance in achieving our goals, but it's important to retain control over them. So, make sure that your plans drive everyone forward, but that you're still responsible for achieving your own goal.
A relevant goal can answer "yes" to these questions:
Is this the right time?
Does this seem worthwhile?
Does this match our other efforts/needs?
Am I the right person to reach this goal?
A SMART goal must also have a priority due date, when do you want to accomplish this goal? Every goal you set needs a target date so that you have a deadline to focus on and something to work toward. This part of the SMART goal criteria helps to prevent everyday tasks from taking priority over your longer-term goals.
A time-bound goal will usually answer these questions:
What can I do six months from now?
What can I do six weeks from now?
What can I do today?
Setting SMART goals means you can clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, use your time and resources productively, and increase your chances of achieving what you want in life.

“Self-discipline is doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done even when you don’t feel like doing it.” Anonymous
How to stick with your goals
It's really important to understand that accomplishing your goal is not an overnight process and that you are going to have to work regularly at transforming your goal into an accomplishment.
Achieving any goal requires self-discipline. It involves awareness of our actions and the ability to overcome some of the bad habits that might be holding us back. Generating self-discipline is not an easy chore. But if you can be disciplined with your daily actions you can achieve anything that you set your mind to. Reaching your goals requires unwavering attention to our actions and a relentless drive for wanting to achieve something big. With presents and discipline, we can achieve anything

"If you’re bored with life – you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals." –Lou Holtz
Why writing down your goal is powerful?
Writing things down happens on two levels: external storage and encoding. External storage is easy to explain: you’re storing the information contained in your goal in a location (e.g. a piece of paper) that is very easy to access and review at any time. You could post that paper in your office, on your refrigerator, etc.
It doesn’t take a neuroscience to know you will remember something much better if you’re staring at a visual cue (aka reminder) every single day. Writing it down will also improve your recall of the really important information.

That is the difference between setting goals and not setting goals. It’s the difference between taking charge and control of your life, vs having a life, taking control of you.
Persistence makes all the difference.
"Never quit. It is the easiest cop-out in the world. Set a goal and don’t quit until you attain it. When you do attain it, set another goal, and don’t quit until you reach it. Never quit." –Bear Bryant
If you are passionate about a goal or dream of yours then don't stop until you achieve it. Do whatever it takes. Persisting in the face of adversity is what builds champions.

True success is all about working towards meaningful goals and dreams.
Achieving our goals and dreams is remarkable but that's not the most important thing about setting goals. The most important thing is the improvement and the journey along the way.
How can I motivate myself to accomplish my goals?
You need to dedicate yourself to accomplish the goal you have chosen. That's why writing your goals down is a common goal-setting tip; it's the first step to committing to achieving your goals. Develop an action plan that clearly outlines your goals and how you intend to achieve them.
The path towards our goals may not always run smoothly or be easy, but having goals, whether big or small, is part of what makes life good. It gives us a sense of meaning and purpose, points us in the direction we want to go, and gets us interested and engaged, all of which are good for our overall happiness.