Why taking action creates success
“A body in motion remains in motion unless it is acted on by an external force. If the body is at rest it remains at rest”. Newton's First law
Taking Action Is Crucial In Achieving Success Once we start taking action it becomes effortless to keep going, but the most difficult part is taking that first step. With time and hard work, your actions will gather momentum, and before you even know it you will have achieved your goals.
1. Stop, get up and do it. Turn yourself into a doer
2. Stop over-thinking things. When we over-think things, we start to get paralysis of analysis. 3. Take continuous action. Once you get started, continue to take continuous action.
4. Use your action to overcome fear.
5. Focus on the present. And, eliminate your distractions.
The simplest and most important secret to success is discipline and action. Just the simple act of doing will generate both success and leadership witch are essentially nothing more than swift & responsible decision-making that in turn creates consistent action.
The path to success is to take massive determined actions-Tony Robbins”
The only perfect time to take action is now
Stop making up excuses, don’t wait for the perfect moment, make now the perfect moment, and focus on taking that one step – and then the next, and the next, soon you will be running towards your dreams, and goals while refusing to let the fear of failure stop us.
It’s important to understand that change and success take time. You can’t just take one action, or make one attempt. It takes a lot of consistency to become successful. Actions require a lot of effort and eventually turn into habits patterns or behaviors. The hardest part about taking action towards change is actually getting started. The more you repeat a new action, the better you get at doing it, all you have to do is make the decision to start.
Successful people realize that failure is an important part of the learning process. They know that failure is just a way we learn by trial and error. Not only do we need to stop being so afraid of failure, but we also need to be willing to fail. “Self-limiting beliefs are the biggest obstacles standing in the way of your full potential.” Without failure, we'd be less capable of compassion, empathy, kindness, and great achievements; we would be less likely to reach our ambitious goals. Experiencing failure is how we learn our greatest and most important lessons. Simply get started, make mistakes, listen to the feedback, correct, and keep moving forward towards your goal.
Get Inspired
Taking action helps us to overcome our fears. And, as you expand your comfort zone, you become more willing to do things that both scare you and benefit your life, which helps you overcome even your toughest fears. Constantly taking action creates a positive cycle that helps create the life of your dreams.