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Writer's picture: Mary JessopMary Jessop

Self Improvement Trends

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you’ve always been.” —T.D. Jakes


You are where your supposed to be

There are so many people that are wanting to better themselves some professionally, some with friends, and some at home. I am here to tell you that it's going to be alright we are all where we are meant to be each person is different and no two people are at the same place in their lives. There are so many different ways that we can improve our life. Self improvement is a continues thing and is very important it helps us to grow, and learn new things about our selves and others.


Career / Interview

Steps to Prepare for Your Job Interview

Pick out what you are going to wear on your job interview. ...

Practice greeting your interviewer.

Study your resume and know everything on it.

Practice your answers to the most common interview questions.

Research the company and the job position you are applying for.

Find out the type of interview you will be going on

Concurring your interview is the first step towards your dream job. Remember to, breath, be honest, smile, and most importantly generate confidence. Your employer wants a positive and confident person, so chin up you're going to do a great job.


Confidence is not something that can be learned like a set of rules; confidence is a state of mind. Positive thinking, practice, training, knowledge and talking to other people are all useful ways to help improve or boost your confidence levels.

Confidence comes from feelings of well-being, acceptance of your body and mind, your self-esteem, and beliefs in your own ability, skills and experience. Confidence is an attribute that most people search for or loose. Positive thought can be a very powerful way of improving confidence. Confident is all about being positive believing in your self, working hard, and doing your best.

If you believe that you can achieve something then you are likely to work hard to make sure you do if, however, you don't believe that you can accomplish a task then you are more likely to approach it half-hardheartedly and therefore be more likely to fail. The trick is convincing yourself that you can do something - with the right help, support, preparedness and knowledge anything is possible.


Communication-Leadership, and professional

There are many reasons you can lack confidence at work. Maybe you're in a job that requires skills you don’t have, or you're less experienced than anyone around you. Or you're new to the company and feel uneasy about your ability to succeed. Or you feel threatened by colleagues, fear losing your job, or are simply too hard on yourself. Public humiliation and errors in judgment can also do the trick.

William Arruda, a personal branding expert and author of Ditch. Dare. Do! says confidence is important because it is the most attractive personal brand attribute. Starting a new job is never going to be easy. In one of my college classes we had a gust speaker and he said" that the first 2 weeks at a new job are always the hardest you will most likely want to quite and leave. Don't quite no matter how bad you want to because once you get thought those first 2 weeks everything starts to even out."

Learning and keeping a positive attitude is the key to confidence once you have confidence with in your self you will become unstoppable in your professional career. “You'll also be able to attract and retain a quality team, because they will trust you and feel you have matters under control. If you know your subject and stance, believe in yourself, and speak with both confidence and understanding.


Self Understanding

Understanding your self is crucial for self development. "Every journey has its own obstacles." Whether we are leading the path towards success, or the path towards happiness. Oftentimes, these two are intertwined, and for many people, they mean the same thing. There is no success without happiness, or at least it does not mean anything to us. And the other way around, if you are happy, you’ve also succeeded in life. Here are some things that you can look at with in your own life to better understand your self.

Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. You can come to a better understanding of who you are and what is most important to you by thinking about your strengths and weaknesses. Importantly, you’ll want to compare your perception with your strengths and weaknesses to the strengths and weaknesses identified by your friends, family, and coworkers. The things that they see that you don’t can tell you a lot about yourself and how you see yourself.

Examine your priorities. What you think is most important in life and in your day-to-day interactions can tell you a lot about yourself. Think about your priorities, compare them to the priorities of other people you respect, and think what your conclusions say about you.

Check yourself when you experience strong emotions. Sometimes, you’ll find yourself experiencing strong or uncontrolled angry, sadness, happiness, or excitement. it is important to understand what sets off these stronger-than-normal reactions. Once you understand your emotional well being you will understand your self and your interactions with others better.


Emotional wellness: Wellness goes multidimensional

While we’d love to improve our health across all dimensions of wellness, the reality is that we have to prioritize our efforts. What dimension will people will focus on most in 2020? Emotional wellness. While we’ll, of course, have a renewed focus on physical wellness in January, 2020 will be dedicated to our emotional needs. A big part of emotional wellness is all about being able to express and acknowledge one’s feelings. Talking to a therapist or confiding in a close friend are a couple of ways to boost emotional wellness. 

On average, people say they spend 3.4 hours a week on their emotional wellness. In 2020, they’re looking to extend that to an average of 3.6 hours. This year, we predict that more fitness classes and wellness treatments and emotional healing—making it that much easier to commit to this important wellness dimension.


Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere. —Mary Schmich


Now more than ever in this time of Covid-19 when we are encouraged to stay at home and sit on our couch to stay safe. It is your our opportunity to read and discover things about us that we did not know before. There are tons of benefits to reading it improves brain connectivity, it increases your vocabulary and comprehension, it empowers you to empathize with other people, it aids in sleep readiness, and it reduces stress. So now your probably think what books should I read, how do i choose a good interesting book? Well here are some books that I recompiled to boots your confidence and to entertain you.

1. When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times by Pema Chödrön

2. You Are a Bad ass (Jen Sincero)

3. The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are (Brené Brown)

4. The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem: The Definitive Work on Self-Esteem by the Leading Pioneer in the Field (Nathaniel Branden)

5. Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be (Rachel Hollis)

When you’re reading a book every day, you will feed your brain with more and more knowledge. These books are filled with advice and information about personal development, confidence, and self-esteem.


Moving Forward With personal growth

Self awareness is important We are responsible for our personal growth — not anyone else. Not your mom, your dad, your friend, and not me. Make the decision to commit to your personal growth and embrace yourself to a life-long journey of growth and change. Kick off your growth by picking a few of the steps above and working on them. The results may not be immediate, but I promise you that as long as you keep to it, you’ll start seeing positive changes in yourself and your life.


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